Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Lovely Bones

Watching this just gave me goosebumps. As my favorite book of all times (even more so than The Time Traveler’s Wife), I have mixed feelings about going to see it. It rests perfectly in my mind, just how I want it to, and I’m slightly afraid to unleash it.

The novel got me through my most difficult emotional period of my life. Though having no significant relation to my personal life, it helped me to get through each day. The moment I would give up and have no strength left in my body, I would pick up this book and distract myself, completely engulfing the life of Susie Salmon and taking it on as if it were my own. Forgetting who I was and the situation I was in became insignificant. I have this book to thank for so many things…A beautiful afterlife.

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