Monday, September 25, 2006

NEW JiscillA.CoM!!!! & GCH/Cobra Starship

Ok ok ok....It's been a week or more since my last update, but this one's a good one. Or at least, I think so.

Sooo yea, I kinda went on hiatus for a few months...with everything, it seemed...but I'm working on getting back to my regular ol' self (not sure if that's a good thing, yet or not). Anyways, I just finished the new and improved, What I mean is, the new layout is up and running, but of course there's always bugs and still a lot of ideas in working progress. I tend to make things a little too congested and tend to overkill on give me some feedback, let me know what you think. I'm always open to suggestions. I hope you like it, though. My last layout was really dark and this one has a much lighter approach. I've added some new pages...and deleted the unneccessary ones. I tried to make navigation easier instead of "artsy" like the last. No new pics as of yet, but most likely I will have new ones up by the end of the week (finally...I know!). And you all know how I love to promote the things I'm currently into and love to show support for people and ideas I really believe in. Sooo yea, take a look around. I got lots of stuff for ya. And that's about it for now regarding that.

As for the past week er so....not too much has been going on. The event of the week was definitely going to the Gym Class Heroes/Cobra Starship show and afterparty avec la Curbside Gang! Woot woot! Much fun was held and major feet were sacrificed all for the sake of dancing to swoontastic beats. And of course, (would you really expect any less) I got much of it on video as you can take notice below. Travis is beyond adorable and impossible to resist with his clever lyrics and silly facial expressions. For all those that don't know...Gym Class Heroes' "As Cruel As School Children" is a "must have" this season. I'm not really sure how to describe it....kind of like an indie hip-hop thing backed up by real guitars and drums? I don't know...but most of their stuff is really funny and will definitely make you want to dance with your "Clothes Off"...okay, that was really cheesy, but I couldn't help it. I believe that'll be their next single, though (super stoked). Also, I got to run into a friend I met on Warped after the show, so that's always cool. Small world! But yea, then we made an hour long hike to Black & White for the afterparty....okay, it wasn't really an hour, but poor Christy was still in her heels (I brought flip flops for the walk), so I imagine it must have felt like an hour to her. Then from there...we proceeded to dance to the wee hours of the morning (er...I made it till 4:00, at least....the other girls 6AM??? Gotta love that L train...jk). I believe we might have been the last ones standing on the dance floor, though. And I must have been insane thinking it was a good idea to go into work the next morning on only 2 hours of sleep. I basically fell asleep at my desk at least 3 times throughout the day. sum it up...all worth it! You gotta check out GCH, though ( ) and Cobra Starship, too ( ...yea, they do that "Snakes On A Plane" song).

Alright, well...I really should be working right now, so I better go before I get in trouble.

Hope everyone likes the new .CoM! And check out the vid below of the opening to GCH Tuesday night at The Knitting Factory. Sorry, it's a lil shaky,...I couldn't help but dance.

Much love,

Monday, September 11, 2006

Can't sleep

Ahhhh...its almost 4 in the morning and I have to wake up in 3 hrs to go to work. I hate when I can't sleep. I barely ever write in here, that's how u know its really bad. Even the insomniac friends I have are sleeping right now. I'm just lying in bed wide awake with my dang sidekick barely even entertaining me. Hmmm maybe I'll start reading a new book. Yeah, that's what I'll do. The Five People You Meet In I come. Whoa, that was lame. Ok yea...that's it now...I'ma stop. Night night!

(via sidekick)

Friday, September 8, 2006

Gorilla Biscuits

The following post is for my dear, Crystal. To all my Marist peeps out there...we all know and love her...especially with her own little language she has...Crystal is certainly one of a kind, and I know she will appreciate this most.

Well one crazy night down in Acapulco on Spring Break, the sun was just about to rise and after a night out at El Alebrije we were all too wired to go to I decided to do a lil story telling...or more like...a little "educating" if you will (demonstrations definitely NOT included). Well, since I usually don't tell my stories twice (they tend to lose their initial effect after the first time), I left it up to Crystal to repeat. So like all stories that get passed down...things change a bit. Needless to say, the whole name changed and basically made the story 10 times funnier than it already was....way to go Crys! I really had NO idea how you came up with that....but I couldn't believe it when the last issue of AP came to my door and there it was! I swear, I died laughing.

Anyways, my whole point in posting this was to brighten up your Friday and basically say...the weekend is here! Hope it gave y'all a good laugh, and I'm sorry to those that are sooo confused right now. To those that understand what the hell it is we're talking about...I apologize......profusely! We're really not that perverted.....okay....yes, we are.

PS....stay Jiscilla.CoM coming soon!